- Touch device
- Portable
- Low cost (currently on sale for less than NZ$250 retail inclusive)
- Has an external USB for easy photo transfer from his camera
- Able to run Skype
If your use is fairly targetted to email, web browsing and social media (including video calling capability) then you can now get very good hardware, for very low cost, that does just that. Whether you go the way of the the Surface RT or a generic Android device like my 7" Nextbook, it's hard to beat the numbers.
Always, always consider what you really need to do before you make a buying decision. If in doubt, check out the options at your local electronic goods store. Also, be honest with yourself: are you really going to use your tablet as a camera the same way you use your phone? I know people who do with valid reason but you could save yourself a few hundred dollars if you simply consider whether your fringe requirements are really going to make it to your mainstream.
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