I tried a few but liked the colour gradient result of Hokuson's colorShadow for iOS best. I liked it so much, that instead of picking a single image to convert into a black silhouette logo, the Gadget Girl brand is a series of silhouettes with the same gradient fill.
ColorShadow is an example of a simple app that focuses on a single function and does it well. It can be a bit fiddly to get just the right threshold and to use the paint tool to remove extraneous graphic (notice that none of the gadget girls have facial features) but at NZ$2.59, it sure beats licensing a full-blown graphics program and figuring out the combination of filters to get right effect.
This particular off-the-shelf effect works best on images with a high contrast and simple background. It will load up images from your photo library and from there you can manipulate the colours used, the level of detail you want applied and a few other settings, including reversing the image so that the background is filled and the silhouette is in white.
Unfortunately, there's no HD version for the iPad. It would be easier to sort out the finer details with full use of the available screen real estate. Overall, though, a fun and cheap way to make cool profile pics.
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